
$ 0.035343
0.00000057 BTC
$ 2,570,911,755
Объем за 24 часа
$ 50,530,860
В обращении
72,714,516,834 VET
Всего монет
85,985,041,177 VET
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  • Месяц
  • Год
  • Все время
  • Тип графика
  • Линейный чарт
  • Свеча

Что такое VeChain?

VeChain is a leading blockchain platform that aims to offer Blockchain-as-a-Service solutions to enterprises. Through the use of the blockchain's tamper-proof distributed ledger, the platform allows for a trust-free ecosystem that is efficient and transparent.

VeChain has gone beyond the proof of concept stage and is seeing adoption across multiple industries for supply chain management through asset digitization. Through advanced IoT integration, it is seeing usage in monitoring product fe cycle, real-time product location tracking, and authenticity verification. VeChain lists partners in varying industries ranging from food and pharmaceuticals, to automobile and luxury goods. VeChain continues to position itself as the leading enterprise solution with its strong economic model and governance philosophy through the VeChain Foundation and its steering committee.

VeChain Thor (VET) is currently sitting within the top 20 coins by market capitalization at the time of this writing. VeChain tokens were initially released as VEN on the Ethereum network after they completed their ICO in August 2017, but have since been swapped for VET after VeChain released its Thor Mainnet in June 2018.